sâmbătă, 26 septembrie 2009

Good friends somewhere near Stockolm

The eighties and the casual cool black. She is a Bucarestois, based in Stockholm and this is her good Swedish friend. The eighties are making a comeback this year and though some of those who lived the eighties have torn their photos and try to forget how they were dressed, when she has done it so great, one starts wondering...

3 comentarii:

  1. Misto! Cred ca o cunosc pe aceasta bucarestoise. E ea, domnule?:)

  2. Sorry, let me translate:) Like both clothes choices. And I think I know this bucarestoise. Is it her?:)

  3. Da! Ce frumos! Va cunosc pe amandoi! Domnul se face mai "incognito"!
    Wel1, it's true, the 80's suit her very well! & not only!
    Bine, salut!
    & numai bine!
    Ciao, ciao
